
About Richard Bretan

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So far Richard Bretan has created 3 blog entries.
20th May, 24

NYBF Spotlight

2024-05-20T06:11:42-04:00May 20, 2024|NYBF Updates, Spotlight|

Alison Gervais Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Alison Gervais and I am the Director of Production at Abrams Books. I oversee our Adult and Kids divisions as well as some imprints under the Abrams Comic Arts division. I moved to the Bronx just a few years ago after 25 [...]

1st Mar, 24

NYBF Spotlight

2024-03-11T10:10:55-04:00March 1, 2024|NYBF Updates, Spotlight|

Tell us a little about yourself I'm Brigid Black, Senior Production Manager at Simon & Schuster and Vice President of the New York Book Forum. I'm originally from Brooklyn. My family uprooted to southern Maine in 2020 when remote work became a reality. I've been working from home ever since. My non-book related [...]

22nd Feb, 24

New York Book Forum and BISG events

2024-02-22T14:15:39-05:00February 22, 2024|Articles / Interviews|

By Tyler Carey For the past few years, getting together at the end of the year to celebrate as we typically did pre-pandemic was challenging for a lot of folks for obvious reasons. Even last year, as I attempted to put together a small focus group meeting in mid-December for one of the markets we [...]

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