Welcome to New York Book Forum!

New York Book Forum has launched its first Corporate Sponsorship drive! We have reached out to several publishers and book industry suppliers requesting their financial support to ensure that NYBF can continue its mission of serving the publishing and literacy communities! 

Fundraising goal at… 23% of $35,000

Read our latest Spotlight focusing on Board member Alison Gervais!

NYBF needs your help!

With summer here, many of us have started stocking up on sunscreen, planning vacations, and culling our summer book lists. But there is something uniquely special about a childhood summer reading experience. To be able to choose your own adventure, discover new worlds or to better understand your own, can be a springboard to a lifetime of reading. Here at NYBF, we know that reading encourages curiosity, expands horizons, and helps children develop empathy and understanding. We ask you to join us in our effort to put books in the hands of these children who have limited access to reading materials.

To quote Stephen King, “Books are a uniquely portable magic.”

We need your help now to make this magic possible for children in the NYC shelter system who are experiencing homelessness and do not have access to books. Care for the Homeless is a New York City organization that provides healthcare for people experiencing homelessness and distributes donated books to parents and children receiving services in their health centers.

Please consider taking the time to help make a child’s summer a bit more magical. While all books are welcome and needed, there is a specific need for books for Spanish speakers and children of color in English and Spanish. Donations can be as few as 1 or 2 books or as many as 5 or 6 cartons and can either be dropped off or mailed to:

Cathy J. Sharp
Director of Development & Communications
30 East 33rd Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10016
P: 212-366-4459, x217

New York Book Forum is a nonprofit tax-exempt organization dedicated to building bridges between the entire book publishing world and the public with an emphasis on the importance of reading and promoting literacy. The Forum’s target membership extends beyond those who have worked in some capacity in the book world to include all who embrace and celebrate reading. It is our plan to hold regular in-person and virtual informational forums and facilitate educational opportunities that enhance book creation, production, and distribution across all formats. We envision these activities as helping to promote literacy. At New York Book Forum, reading comes into focus!

Watch past programs on our YouTube channel or listen via the New York Book Forum Events podcast feed. Subscribe now by clicking on your preferred listening platform or searching for “New York Book Forum” in the app!

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